Saturday, August 9, 2008

"I couldn't wait any longer..."

I couldn't resist. A Brillig SOS AND a First Kiss Contest with Scribbit? Entirely too tempting...

It had been a rough four years. I was married young. Had two kids young. Got divorced young. But I was beginning to settle into single parenthood and the thought of dating again. A few months earlier, fresh out of the divorce-gate, I had run into an old friend/boyfriend that I had dated many moons before. We had so much fun together and oddly enough, he made the transition from sad, angry, divorced mom, to fun and single, much easier.
After quite a few months, I realized that this particular direction wasn't taking either of us anywhere, and didn't know if I really wanted to be going in ANY direction that involved a serious relationship. I tried to ease out a bit, call less, go over to his place less, make him jealous more. So mature.
One night, in a burst of spontaneity, my friend who was nine months pregnant, called me and said she desperately needed to get out of the house. My kids were fast asleep, but the urgency in her voice tipped the scales in her favor. I woke the kids up, drove them to their dad's house, then made the trip to her Target 30 minutes away.
We both got baskets but knew we weren't shopping. We walked aimlessly around the place for almost two hours, stopping to look at every piece of jewelry and touch every item of clothing on the sales rack. The announcements came over the loud speaker that the store would be closing soon so we meandered to the front where we parked ourselves in an aisle and began to thumb through the magazines.
After a bit of reading, I heard someone say, "Excuse me." I gingerly stepped to the side without looking up, thinking I was in someone's way. Again, "Excuse me." This time I looked up, saw a guy standing there, looked at my friend in a confused way, wondering if he knew her, and then looked back to the guy. He was looking at me.
"Sorry, I've never done this before and I feel kinda dumb, are stunning. Would you go out with me?"
I'm pretty sure I looked over at my friend again to make sure this was all really happening. She grabbed his arm, gave it a little squeeze, said, "That was the cutest thing I have ever heard. I'm going over here now," and off she went. What followed was a ridiculous display of giggling and blushing on my part, nervous handwriting on the back of a business card, and the remembrance only that he was wearing brown Pumas...'cause that's the only place I could manage to look.
A few days later, after that embarrassing display, he still called. The first thing I told him was that I was divorced and had two kids. I wanted to get it out on the table. He said Awesome. I was silent for a bit, having prepared myself for the awkward point afterwards as he tried to find a way to hang up and never call again. It didn't come, and we talked for two hours.
The next few weeks were a blur of phone calls and missed opportunities to see each other. Business trips, other trips, etc. We finally planned a time to meet up and I worried about not even being able to remember what he looked like. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised. He was taller than me, with plenty of height left for heels. His hair was dark and his eyes were green and his scruff was perfectly scruffy. Our dates were comfortable, easy, and a breath of fresh air. We held hands, but agreed there would be no kissing for a while. We wanted to give the relationship a fair chance without the mind-numbing cloud that comes from utter attraction and hormones.
Weeks went by and every doorstop goodbye was filled with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. We would hug, he would take a step back, and then keep walking backwards until he reached the stairs to my apartment. I would watch him go until I couldn't see his lights in the parking lot anymore. I kept wondering when that moment would come. It made every day together ripe with excitement and anxiety at the same time.
One night, as we sat on my couch, having put my girls to bed and foregoing the movie for talking, he laid his head down on my lap. Falling sleep was common on our dates, as we stayed up way too late, worked all day, but still insisted on spending time together. This, I thought, was just one of those times. He turned to face me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I ran my fingers through his dark hair and inhaled a little too much as the smell of his clean white t-shirt and cologne wafted up to my nose. We were both quiet, not talking, mostly listening. Every now and then I would sneak a peek at his peacefully sleeping face and wonder why he liked me. I was a broken woman. I had baggage. I had issues. I had two beautiful children and he was living the life of a world-traveling bachelor--free to come and go as he pleased.
He adjusted his position a bit as I was lost in thought and then he opened his eyes and looked up at me. The electricity between us was tangible. It had been building and building and we had not, as of yet, given it an outlet. To me, time fell away. I remember looking at him, and he at me, and tried desperately to see beyond that face and into his soul. He had shown my children and I nothing but respect and kindness, he was intelligent and open. He was kind beyond words, helpful to a fault, effortless with life, and he liked me. Me. Of all the girls he had ever dated...amazing girls with much less--stuff--he was here with me.
While I searched for those answers in the depths of green, he leaned up on his elbow and leaned toward me. With the most gentle touch, he kissed me. When I opened my eyes, he was looking back at me and a smirk spread across his face.
"I couldn't wait any longer," he said.
Not sure if I was breathing yet, I smiled and my eyes fell on the little magic place on his lip...the one I had been dying to kiss for some reason. It was the smallest spot. A little strawberry. A tiny red birthmark on his upper lip that suddenly became a beacon. His impossibly soft lips met me halfway and the lights flickered. His breath was like candy to me...gum and him...and I breathed deeply each time I got a chance. But there were not many chances.

For months there were not many chances to breathe.

He still catches my breath.


Kateastrophe said...

I just got a wiggly ;)

HaLaine said...

Phew. Me too...

Brillig said...

Awww, darlin'. This is so beautiful. I'd never heard this story! Sigh. Thank goodness for him (I would say his name, but I'm not sure if you're using names here...)

Great new site! And I'm so glad you played along! (And yes, I too am sorry that you missed out on all the comment-drama the other day. You would have, well, fit in with the drama so well... But, alas, I HAD to end it. It was all getting to weird and bordering on icky. Had to end it.)

Love you...

Shellie said...

How exciting!

Scribbit said...

So I'm assuming that's him in the avatar? :) I love happy endings!

Jessica G. said...

Where is a good box of chocolates when you need one? Reading all these great First Kiss stories has got me sighing and casting doe eyes at my man.

HaLaine said...

Oh yeah, that's him all right...

Gabrielle said...

Loved it! That was really good! Good things are always worth the wait!

Mozi Esme said...

What a sweet story! I could just feel that anticipation building up for the first kiss . . .